The first ones to develop the concept of emotional intelligence were the American psychologists Peter Salovey and John D Mayer. In 1990, the authors published an article in which they defined the term as “the ability to accurately perceive, appraise, and express emotion”.
In 1995, New York Times journalist Daniel Goleman published a book that became a world bestseller and put the concept on everyone’s lips. Two years later, in 1997, Mayer and Salovey polished their definition to focus on four emotion-related skills:
Perceiving: The ability to monitor the feelings and emotions of oneself and others.
Understanding: The acquisition of emotional knowledge, identify why emotions are produced, what triggers them and how they are expressed exactly.
Using: The ability to discriminate among feelings and to use this information to guide one’s action and thinking.
Managing: The ability to regulate emotions, self-knowledge and self-control.
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According to Luz María Peniche Soto, psychoanalyst, author of the book Entender las emociones, una guía para criar hijos sanos y seguros (Understanding Emotions, a Guide for Raising Healthy and Safe Children), people who manage to develop their emotional intelligence “decrease their anxiety, stress, indiscipline and risky behaviors”.
In addition, “they increase their tolerance for frustration, their resilience, and their well-being”.
Luz María Peniche Soto, psychoanalyst
At the beginning of the 21st century, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched emotional learning programs in schools and measured the results before and after the courses.
The conclusion was blunt, it is possible to modify the way in which people process, interpret and manage their emotions.
“Curiously, the countries that continued to promote these programs are well-developed and have a great economic growth, which in some way indicates that emotional intelligence not only has repercussions on mental health, but also on people’s professional and economic success”, explains Luz Maria Peniche.
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Think of emotional intelligence as being aware of feelings, paying attention to them to adapt to the environment and get benefits for both ourselves and others.
Mayer and Salovey propose a model to identify and work on the four branches of emotional intelligence:
Undoubtedly, emotional intelligence is a very interesting topic that we should promote in our little ones.
Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara
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