Teaching our children to share will help them develop social skills. Photo: Shutterstock
How important it is to share! The child psychologist Jean Piaget’s Theory of Development points out that children between the ages of two and seven are in the preoperational stage. Among the characteristics of the behavior of this age are egocentrism and selfishness, with which they perceive, understand, and interpret the world from the self.
That is why children cannot put themselves in some other’s shoes, since they are only aware of their own needs.
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Children under the age of seven still do not understand what sharing is; it is widespread to see children cry when others take their toys. Shouldn’t we say anything?
The Kids Health Organization, which brings together doctors specializing in childhood from around the world, stresses that it is super important that we talk to our little ones about what sharing is and constantly teach them this value since learning to share will help them to develop social skills and coexist better; by sharing, your little one will also learn social skills like empathy and assertiveness.
The international organization Educo, which seeks to guarantee the protection of children worldwide, defines sharing as a value that implies reciprocal participation in something. It can be material or immaterial and involves giving and receiving what the other person offers.
“The fact of sharing supposes a break with a person’s egoism who thinks that he can do everything by himself. We share many things such as ideas, material goods, activities, feelings or experiences”.
The Educo organization shares the following tips to teach children to share.
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Parents are the first reference of a child; you must share so that your children see this action as something usual.
It depends on the age of your little one will be how you are going to talk to your children about sharing. Children under seven years of age will hardly understand the concept of sharing, but you can encourage them to live with other children and organize games in teams.
It is essential to find a way to encourage them to share. However, it would help if you did not force them. Otherwise, they will see this action as something negative, something they dislike, and they will not do it. Therefore, you should not punish them if they do not want to share.
Talking to your little one about feelings and how our actions can affect others will make them put themselves in other people’s shoes.
Children learn through play, so you should encourage them to live with other children and organize team games, so your little ones will learn to collaborate and share.
It goes hand in hand with leading by example. If your little ones realize that you donate objects that you no longer use, they will see your example and begin to understand the meaning of sharing.
These are some tips that you can use so that your little one learns to share, read them together, and put them into practice.
Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara
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