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Tips for a green Christmas

Climate change is becoming more intense, and its effects more visible. Therefore, it is vital to make small changes in our routines to leave a better world for our children. These tips for a green Christmas will help you have a greener Christmas to pollute less.

Teresa de Jesús Mijangos Arrazola, a specialist from Unidad de Medio Ambiente, Arqueología y Biodiversidad de Enel Power (Enel Green Power’s Environment, Archeology, and Biodiversity Unit), commented that, although many of the activities we carry out during the Christmas season seem to be far from sustainability, there is much we can do to live a greener Christmas.

“We must track a more sustainable route for our planet, which involves providing green grains of sand to create and seek a fairer world for our sons and daughters. Involving them in the creation of a white Christmas can be a strategy that, in addition to keeping the Christmas spirit on, can contribute to the mitigation of climate change”.

The specialist explained that some of the traditions of this season, for example, the lights of the Christmas tree, or even the Christmas tree, affect the environment. She estimated that electricity consumption increases around 30 percent during these days due to the lights we decorate our homes with.

From a young age, we must explain to our children the importance of caring for the environment and promoting sustainable actions from home, like applying these tips for a green Christmas:

LED lights

Let´s decorate our homes with Christmas lights that have LED bulbs since they use 75 percent less energy than conventional lights. Plus, they last longer. Similarly, turning off the Christmas lights at night will help you save electricity.

Led lights Photo: Shutterstock

Avoid gift wrappings

Although having the tree surrounded by gifts, with their Christmas wrappings and bows, is a practice in many homes, and it causes a lot of emotion for the little ones, it is not friendly to the environment, so the environmental specialist, Teresa de Jesús Mijangos Arrazola recommends avoiding wrapping paper and using materials that can be reused.

Wrap gifts using reusable materials. Photo: Shutterstock

No food waste

Christmas dinners are an opportunity for all family members to get together. It is believed that we must cook too much food for everyone to be satisfied; however, most of the time, there is too much food left over, and it ends up in the trash. Preparing the proper portions will avoid this waste.

Fair portions to avoid waste. Photo: Shutterstock

Long-lasting tree

Christmas trees, whether natural or artificial, are a source of pollution. If you decide to use a natural pine, you can take it to a collection center to turn it into compost when the holiday season is over.

Decorated Christmas tree Photo: Shutterstock

If you decide on an artificial one, try to use it for many years. According to data from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, they are made of plastic, so they take up to 500 years to degrade, according to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat).

“We consider that having a more sustainable Christmas and New Year is possible. Sustainability is no longer a temporary issue; it is a requirement to guarantee the green future that our sons and daughters deserve”.

Teresa de Jesus Mijangos Arrazola

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version

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Astrid Rivera Reynoso

Publicado por
Astrid Rivera Reynoso
Etiquetas: kidsParenting

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