A family tree is an easy, graphic and creative way to show children who the members of their family are. Photo: Pixabay
We, human beings, have a natural need to know about our origins. Researching about our family, who they are and what they are like, is something that we can discover through a family tree. Thanks to this drawing, the genealogical tree: a tool to know our roots, not only do our children get closer to the history of their grandparents, uncles and cousins, but also find relatives who did not even have a clue that they existed.
This educational chart can help your little ones discover that they have blood ties in one or more states in Mexico, or even in other parts of the world. It also gives them clarity about the professions and activities that their ancestors carried out. It will make you proud and together you will delve into family history.
Take advantage of your children’s curiosity to start a new adventure through genealogy, a little-known discipline, yet it involves “thinking, reflecting and asking yourself more about your family and your ancestors”, said genealogist Mireia Nieto from Tataranietos.com
Did you know that genealogists help us know our family and biological origins, as well as to clear up doubts and family mysteries?
A family tree is a resource that we can use if we want our children, like us, to connect with their ancestors. Not only is it an ideal way for them to meet relatives who have already passed, but also it gives them the opportunity to strengthen their self-esteem, gain confidence and nurture knowledge through some family stories and anecdotes.
When talking about a distant aunt, your child can recognize that there are affinities and certain likes or hobbies for music or movies. “When we analyze the bond that joins us to our ancestors and what is the genetic and emotional legacy that people leave us, we evolve and grow”, says the expert.
Mireia Nieto emphasizes that genealogy is for everyone, and clarifies that this discipline does not only try to search or find out about our ancestors who have already died, but to trace the living family, “Connect the old genealogy with the new family models that exist today. It helps our personal growth and allows us to learn from the past so as not to make the same mistakes in the present and in the future”.
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“The past cannot be changed, but if you study it and understand it, you change”.
Mireia Nieto, genealogist
“A family tree is a graphic representation that summarizes the family and genetic relationships of a group of people,” says Mireia Nieto, who notes that, “For centuries the metaphor of the tree has been used as a symbol of life that says that the visible parts, like the trunk, the branches, the leaves, are due to the invisible: the roots”.
According to Mireia Nieto, some other benefits of working on a family tree, are:
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If you want to make your family tree, you will first have to gather information and do the research with your family members. You and your child can search letters, documents, files, records, libraries, newspaper archives, and so on.
What follows is to make a diagram where we graphically represent the relationships between family members. It is usually made in the shape of a tree that symbolizes life and roots, which are our origins.
There are family trees that display the photos of our relatives and others to which only the names of the people and the relationship are put. On the internet there are templates in which you can support yourself to do it.
Currently there are software and online platforms where you can enter the information you find about your family and venture into the world of genealogy.
Si a tu peque aún le quedan dudas sobre la función de un árbol genealógico, te dejamos algunos videos ilustrativos. Le quedará muy claro.
Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver
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