Laughter has many health benefits; when we laugh, we generate endorphins which raise our defenses. Photo: Shutterstock
Quality time with your children is very important. Balancing all the facets of your life seems to be a titanic task, so you try to enjoy the moments with your little ones to the fullest. Humor is a way to connect with them, so we leave you these Pepito jokes for children so that you can laugh together.
Laughter brings many benefits to our health; when we laugh, we produce endorphins: hormones that strengthen the immune system providing a feeling of well-being that will help reduce stress, explains Belén Guerrero Cuevas, psychologist and member of Top Doctors Spain.
“Endorphins have countless benefits, apart from reducing stress. They also help protect the body from infections and make it more resistant to pathologies such as hypertension, cancer or diabetes”.
A study published in Psychosomatic Medicine indicates that people with a great sense of humor live longer, despite suffering from cardiovascular diseases since endorphins strengthen their immune system.
Given these advantages, have fun with your little one with these Pepito jokes.
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The teacher comes to class and hands out the exams
“Luisito, here, you got a ten… Pedrito, you got an eight, very good too… Juanito, a six, but you pass, well… Pepito, you got a zero”.
“But teacher, why did I get zero?”
“Well, because you copied from Juanito’s exam”.
“Did I? How do you know that?”
“Because you answered the first four questions the same way he did. And in the fifth question, Juanito says, “I don’t know”, and you wrote: “I don’t know either”.
The teacher asks Pepito in math class:
“Pepito, if you have 10 pesos in one pants pocket and two 100 bills in the other, what do you have?”
“Someone else’s pants, teacher”.
Pepito’s father asks him when he comes home from school…
“Pepito, how did you do in today’s exams?”
“Well, I don’t know, dad, but the teachers are very religious”.
“Religious? How come?”
“Well, while they were reading my exam, they kept saying: “Oh, Lord,” “Holy Mary”, “Holy Mother of God”.
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Pepito asks the teacher, “Teacher, can I be punished for something I didn’t do?”
The teacher surprisedly responds, “Of course, not Pepito; that would be very unfair”.
“Okay”, Pepito replies. “I didn’t do my homework”.
Why did Pepito put his teddy bear in the freezer?
Because he wanted a polar bear.
The teacher says, “Pepito, they tell me that you are very fast in mathematics. Let’s see, how much is 47 times 126?”
“But you didn’t even come close!”
“But teacher, don’t tell me I’m not fast”.
Pepito tells his mother, “Mom, I ran out of shampoo”.
“Well, Pepito, use mine, then”.
“But I can’t”.
“Because it says it’s for dry hair, and I have it already wet”.
“Why did Pepito bring a ladder to school?”
Because he wanted to go to high school.
“Pepito, what would the best school be like for you? How do you imagine it?”
“Closed, teacher”.
“Grandma, Grandma, I need you to close your eyes”.
“Why, Pepito?”
“Because my dad told me that we will be millionaires when you close your eyes”.
“Pepito, what do you call a dog magician?”
“A labracador”.
It may interest you: Ten life lessons that Tom & Jerry taught us
Which one did you like the most? Do you know others?
Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara
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