Pets: a gift or responsibility?

The Christmas holidays are just around the corner, and we are in search of gifts. We often think that a pet is a good gift for children; however, its arrival should be discussed as a family, and the question is: Pets: gift or responsibility?

“Whether dogs, cats, or any other animal, pets are an excellent company, especially for children. However, it must be clear that they are not objects that can be given away; they are a great responsibility”, said Dr. Fausto Reyes Delgado, Director of Institutional Development, Communication, and Education of the UNAM-Banfield Veterinary Hospital.


“We must be aware that pets are intelligent beings; they are not things or gifts; that is the first thing we must learn with children”.

Basic questions before having a pet

He stressed that the first step to responsible pet ownership is asking all family members five basic questions:

  • What do I want the pet for?
  • Where are we going to have it?
  • How much space will it take?
  • How much do you plan to spend?
  • Who will it live with?

Dr. Reyes Delgado highlighted the importance of having the advice of a veterinarian to determine the type of animal or breed that is the most suitable for the family, according to their habits and routines.

“First, you have to plan if you want or have a companion animal, and before acquiring it, receive advice from the veterinarian. Unfortunately, we see as veterinarians that the pets arrive first and then go to the veterinarian; we see that the breed of dog is the least indicated for that nucleus”.

Adopt: the best option

He emphasized that although adoption is always the best option, it is essential to analyze whether we have the conditions to give the little animal a good life and evaluate what type of specimen is suitable for the family seeking to adopt.

“It is tough for us to understand that not all of us can have a pet in our homes; that is the first point regarding education. Many people have pets, dogs, cats, and other types of animals without even really knowing if they have the possibility of having it”.

Responsible pet ownership is an excellent example for children that teaches them to care for and respect animals, as it makes them understand that they are living beings that feel that they need love and care.

“If pets are given the right space, the right food for their stage, they are provided with a roof, medical service; all of this comes together to have an example of the proper way to have pets, if that is what the child is seeing, the education they are going to have is incredible”.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

It may interest you: My child wants a pet, what do I do?

Astrid Rivera Reynoso

Publicado por
Astrid Rivera Reynoso
Etiquetas: kids

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