
Names for your baby inspired by Christmas

The Christmas season has started with the beginning of December; it is the favorite time of the year for many people and a source of inspiration to name your little one since there are many names for your baby inspired by Christmas.

If your little one is about to be born, we leave you this list of names for your baby inspired by Christmas that will give you some ideas.

Girl names inspired by Christmas

Belén: It means house of bread, and its origin is Hebrew.

Noelia: Of French origin, it means Christmas.

Gloria: It comes from Latin; in the Christian tradition, it means complete and true happiness.

Paz: It comes from the Latin “pax” or “the one who takes care of life”.

Ángela: It means “the one who carries a message”.

Mary: It is of Hebrew origin; it means “the chosen one, the one loved by God” she is also the mother of Jesus.

Anunciación: It refers to the annunciation of Archangel Gabriel to Virgin Mary.

Estrella: It alludes to the star that followed the wise men to the birthplace of Jesus.

We recommend: The most used names in Mexico, according to the Inegi

Boy names inspired by Christmas

Jesus: Of Hebrew origin, it means “The Savior”.

Gaspar: Its origin is Persian, it means “he who manages the treasure”, it is also the name of one of the Three Wise Men.

Nicholas: It means “the people’s victory”. It is of Greek origin.

Noel: It is of French origin; it does mean Christmas.

Joseph: He is the father of Jesus, which means “whom God magnifies”.

Gabriel: It is the archangel’s name who sends the message to the Virgin Mary of the birth of the son of God; It means “strength of God”.

Esteban: Derived from the Greek stéfanos, which means “victorious”.

Baltazar: It means “the one who God protects”.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

It may be interesting: Baby names that mean Moon

Astrid Rivera Reynoso

Publicado por
Astrid Rivera Reynoso
Etiquetas: Babie's names

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