
Girl names inspired by spring

The favorite season of many is about to arrive; the weather and landscape are more beautiful at this time. If your little girl is yet to be born, these spring-inspired girl names are a great choice; they all have beautiful meanings.

For many cultures, spring represents a renewal. In this season, the plants turn green and bloom, making the landscape more beautiful. There are many myths about this season, one of them is that of Persephone.

In the spring, the landscape is much more beautiful. Photo: Pixabay

Myths about spring

In Greek mythology, Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, the goddess of fertility. She was a charming young woman kidnapped by Hades, who ruled the underworld, and she was forced to become his wife. Zeus tried to help the young woman and negotiated with his brother, Hades, so that he would free his daughter because when she is with her mother, the trees bear fruit, and everything turns green.

The pre-Hispanic cultures of Mexico developed great knowledge about the observation of the stars. “For the Mayans, spring represented the beginning of the planting season”, says Ernesto Vargas Pacheco from the UNAM Anthropological Research Institute.

The meaning of these names selected for you evokes that renewal that the myths of ancient civilizations speak of.

In many cultures, spring is associated with renewal. Photo: Pixabay

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Letters A-L

  • Abril: Derived from the Latin aprilis, it refers to flowers, nature, and good weather.
  • Amber: It is the name of a precious stone generated from the resin of a tree. It is associated with beauty and light. It comes from Arabic.
  • Aurora: It comes from Latin; it means
  • Aviv: Of Hebrew origin, it means
  • Aviva: It is Hebrew; it means fresh and moist.
  • Aya: Arabic name that means to weave silk; it means colorful in Japanese.
  • Belinda: Although its origin is uncertain, it is believed that it comes from the Italian beautiful and cute; its meaning is of great beauty, such as spring, which is a very beautiful season.
  • Carmen: It means garden of god; it is of Latin origin.
  • Chloe: Derived from the Greek Khloé, which means green herb.
  • Claire: It’s French and means bright and clear.
  • Dalia: Of Greek origin, it means beautiful woman; it is also the name of a flower considered among the most beautiful ones.
  • Flor: It is a derivative of the Latin Floris.
  • Flora: Its origin comes from Latin; it means
  • Kelby: Of Nordic origin, it is derived from the words Kelda (spring or fountain) and byr (town), which means the town of the spring.
  • Lily: It’s English; it means lily. This flower is associated with purity and love. The Greeks gave lilies to women to wish them a hopeful life.
These names have beautiful meanings. Photo: Pixabay

Letters M-Z

  • Magnolia: It comes from Latin and means flowering tree.
  • Maia: We also owe this name to the Greeks; it means With Zeus, she had the messenger god Hermes as a son.
  • Margarita: It comes from Latin; it is the name of a flower.
  • Melissa: Its meaning is the bee that brings honey. According to Greek mythology, this was the name given to the nymph who discovered how to collect honey.
  • Nari: It’s Korean; it means lily flower.
  • Olivia: Derived from the Latin olivus. It means olive branch.
  • Rosana: Of Persian origin, it means she who is like the rose.
  • Rosaura: It comprises the Latin words rosae (pink) and aurum (gold). Its meaning is the golden rose.
  • Thalía: It is of Greek origin; its meaning is the one that flourishes.
  • Verdi: In Italian means
  • Vesna: she is the Slavic goddess of spring; the meaning is the messenger.
  • Violet: It means the modest; it comes from Latin. Also, it is a beautiful flower.
  • Zahira: Of Arabic origin, it means the one who has flourished.

These girl names will help you in your search. Which one did you like? Tell us on Facebook.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish versión: Here

Astrid Rivera Reynoso

Publicado por
Astrid Rivera Reynoso

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