
Girl names inspired by love

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Red hearts and cards with romantic messages are in every store. If your little girl will be born soon and you still don’t know what she will be called, these love-inspired girl names will help you.

Love makes us feel complete, encourages us to give the best of ourselves, and has many ways: children, parents, partners, and many more. It has been present since ancient civilizations as there are deities in its honor, yet it was also the inspiration for many myths.

We prepared this list that will inspire you and help you choose one. They all have beautiful and sweet meanings.

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Love is present in the mythology of ancient civilizations. Photo: Pixabay

Letters A-D

  • Afrodita: Greek goddess of love and beauty.
  • Ágape: It is a Greek term to describe an unconditional and thoughtful love in which the lover considers only the good of the loved one. The first Christians began to use it to refer to love for God.
  • Aiko: It means beloved girl; it is of Japanese origin.
  • Aimée: It’s French; it means beloved.
  • Allana: Of Irish origin, it means dear daughter.
  • Alona: It is also Irish; it means dear girl.
  • Amanda: It comes from the Latin amandus, which means beloved by God or the one who must be loved.
  • Amandine: It’s French; it means adorable, worthy of love.
  • Amor: It is the nickname of the god Cupid in Roman mythology.
  • Amorette: Of French origin, it means little love.
  • Amy: It is a derivative of the French name Aimée. Regardless of how it is written, they all mean beloved.
  • Cara: Name of Italian origin meaning beloved.
  • Caridad: Derived from the Latin carus, charitas, which means dear, love. The diffusion of this name is due to Santa Caridad, a martyr in Rome in the second century, who formed, together with her sisters, Faith and Hope, the triad of the theological virtues.
  • Carina: Derived from the Latin carus, which means dear.
  • Carysse: Derived from the Welsh word cor, meaning
  • Dariela: Feminine variant of Darrell, of French origin, means dear, beloved.
  • Darla: Of English origin, it means
  • Darlene: From the English darling, which means
  • Davinia: It means beloved; it is of Hebrew origin.

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Letters E-K

  • Ema: In its Polynesian sense, it means
  • Esme: It means beloved; it’s It became popular because of one of the characters in the Twilight Saga.
  • Freya / Freyja: In Norse mythology, she was the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and gold.
  • Grainne: It is of Irish origin; it means charming love. An Irish legend tells that Grainne, considered the most beautiful woman in that land, was married to the monarch Fionn, but she fell in love with Diarmuid, the most important warrior in her husband’s army. They fled together, and the king pursued them throughout Ireland.
  • Habibah: It means dear, beloved; it is Arabic.
  • Hator: It is the name of the Egyptian goddess of love and the sky.
  • Hulda: Of Hebrew origin, it means sweet, loving.
  • Ife: It comes from West Africa, it means lover of art and culture.
  • Ishtar: Babylonian goddess of love and beauty, life and fertility.
  • Kalila: Of Arabic origin, it means beloved, good friend.
  • Kara: It has its origin in Norse mythology; it means friend, dear.
Love inspires very beautiful names for your little girl. Photo: Pxhere

Letters L-N

  • Luba: It is of Russian origin; it means love, beloved.
  • Ludmila: It means loved by the people; it is of Slavic origin.
  • Maitane: It is the variant of Maite, of Basque origin, and means the most loved.
  • Maite: Of Basque origin, it means
  • Malia: It comes from Hawaii and means
  • Manami: Japanese female name and its whole meaning is beautiful love.
  • Marbelle: Of Greek origin, it means
  • Mareike: Its meaning is beloved; it’s German.
  • María: It means loved by God; although its origin is uncertain, it is attributed to Hebrew.
  • Masha: It is the Russian variant of María; it also means loved by God.
  • Mila: It is of Russian origin; it means loved by the people.
  • Milena: Derived from Mary, of Hebrew origin, the chosen one, the one loved by God, and Elena from the Greek torch.
  • Milena: It means woman loved by God; it is the fusion of Maria (Hebrew) and Helena (Greek).
  • Minna: Derived from the German name Wilhelmina, which means love.
  • Miriam: It comes from Hebrew; it means whom God loves.
  • Mirna: Anglicized form of the proper Gaelic name Muirne, dear, kind.
  • Mirta: According to Greek mythology, the myrtle was a tree sacred to the goddess of love, Aphrodite.
  • Mishka: Of Hindu origin, it means gift of love.
  • Moira: Irish variant of María.
  • Nao: It means love, and affection, in Japanese.
  • Nayeli: Its origin is Zapotec, which means I love you.
  • Neha: It dates back to ancient Sanskrit; it means
  • Neitya: It has a sweet meaning, the flower of love. It is of Hindu origin.
The names of girls of French origin have a very romantic meaning. Photo: Pixabay

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Letters O-Z

  • Oshin: It means love; it is of Japanese origin.
  • Parvati: It is the name of the Hindu goddess of fertility, love, beauty, marriage, children, and devotion.
  • Pili: Name of Egyptian origin, means born second. It can also be used for boys.
  • Priya: It means beloved, favorite, it’s Hindu.
  • Runa: It means secret love, the origin of that name is Nordic.
  • Suki: It’s Japanese; it means beloved.
  • Venus: In Roman mythology, she was the goddess of beauty and love.
  • Yanai: It means my brunette, my beloved; it is of Quechua origin.
  • Yaretzi: Aztec origin that means the one who will always be loved.
  • Yatzil: It means beloved; it is Mayan.
  • Yua: Japanese name meaning empathy, union, love, affection.
  • Zaria: In Slavic mythology, she was the goddess of beauty, meaning the gift of love.

Review this list with your family and choose the one you like best. What was your favorite?

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver

Spanish version

Astrid Rivera Reynoso

Publicado por
Astrid Rivera Reynoso

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