
Family diversity books for kids

Times have changed, and with it, families. Books on family diversity for children are a way to explain to your little ones about the subject. Your children must know the different types of families from an early age to grow up in a tolerant and inclusive environment.

We leave you the following list of books for your children about the diversity of families.

Cada Familia a su aire (Each family, in its own way) by Béatrice Boutignon

Teach your little ones that families are made up in different ways, whether by a mom and dad, homoparental families, monoparental ones, and many more. Your little one will learn that no matter who its members are, the most important thing is to have someone who cares for us and loves us. Editorial Hotel papel (+3 years).

Cover Each family in its way. Photo: Editorial Hotel Paper

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Familiarium by Mar Cerdà

Each of its pages is cut into four parts, and a character or characters are drawn on each of them so that different combinations can be made with the cutouts so that your little ones get to know the diversity of families. On the last page, your child will be able to draw his family model. Editorial Comanegra (+3 years).

Cover: Familiarum. Photo: Editorial Comanegra

El gran Libro de las Familias (The Big Book of Families) by Mary Hoffman

Through its illustrations, your little one will learn about the diversity of families. At the end of the book, there is an activity for the naughty kids in the home to draw their family tree. Editorial Oxfam Intermón (+3 years).

Cover: The Book of Families. Photo: Editorial Oxfam Intermón,


Federico y sus familias (Federico and his families) by Mili Hernández and Gómez

The protagonist is Federico the Cat, who takes a tour of all the families he has had, each of them different, but the ones he loves equally. This book is aimed at the smallest of the home. Editorial NubeOcho (+2 years).

Cover: Federico and his families. Photo: Editorial NubeOcho

Familias (Families) by Oh Mami Blue

With illustrations and rhymes, this book shows us that there are as many types of a family as there are ways of loving, with which your little one will learn that all families, regardless of how they are made up, have in common the love between their members and their desire to protect themselves. Editorial Somos Libros (+3 years).

Cover: Families. Photo: Editorial Somos Libros

Una gran familia (A great family) by Elisenda Roca and Rocío Bonilla

Violeta and her dog, Brush, organize a party for her neighborhood, where all the neighbors are going to collaborate, so the little ones observe through the illustrations in this book the different types of family that exist and that everyone can live together help each other. Editorial Beascoa (+4 years).

Cover: A big family. Photo: Editorial Beascoa

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

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Astrid Rivera Reynoso

Publicado por
Astrid Rivera Reynoso
Etiquetas: inclusión

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