
Energetic ties between parents and children: the invisible family legacy

“Parents are connected to their children through invisible energy ties”.

“As if they were blood donors, parents make a constant ‘transfusion’ of spiritual energy. This interaction never ceases, it does not depend on time or space, it does not disappear after the physical death of parents or children”, says Russian writer Konstantin V. Zorin, author of the book The Sins of Parents and Children’s Diseases.  

There is a theory that states that each generation inherits from the previous ones – especially from parents or close relatives – the characteristics of their way of thinking, feeling, will, as well as physical features and unresolved problems.

The invisible ties of energy

They are called energy ties and they come from the belief that our souls “constellate” in a certain energy nucleus.  

“We must remember that everything and everyone is energy and we are connected. However, among family members, these energy ties are even stronger. When we come to earth, we choose our parents and our ancestors to learn certain lessons that we have to live in this incarnation”, comments Sandra Elisa Roch, better known as Panterita, health coach and transgenerational therapist.  

According to the transgenerational theory, the first physical, emotional and spiritual bond that we have is the umbilical cord. Through it, we are transmitted the ancestral heritage, the gifts and conflicts of our biological parents, and the culture to which our clan belongs.

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Energy ties transmit conflicts and virtues

K-V Zorin states: “This phenomenon explains why parents transmit to their children their lack of grace, as well as their vices and pernicious tendencies, from which they have not been able to escape until that moment”.  

“In the same way, they inherit their virtues, talents and the potential of divine energies. It should be emphasized that the influence of the father is equal to that of the mother. There are no differences. Furthermore, the interaction never ends, even if it changes its intensity”.

The transgenerational theory ensures that there are places, experiences, situations and even types of people, which we have faced, which were also challenges in the lives of our ancestors. Photo: Pixabay

Have you ever wondered why you repeat some of your parents’ patterns?

From our individuality we build other ties with friends, peers, partners, places and experiences that leave their mark on us, but some situations are very similar to what our ancestors once lived.  

The friend who disappointed us, the relationship that was a disaster, the partner who betrayed you, the mistake that is made over and over again within the family. All of those, says this theory, are karmic ties, a connection that you have acquired (or your ancestors acquired) in a past life, something like a “debt” or learning that you have pending.  

“I don’t know if you believe in past lives, but many times these ties are repeated among living beings, having different relationships. Sometimes your mother was your sister or your daughter and so on with the different roles of the family”, says the health coach.

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How to get rid of energy ties that you do not want?

According to Panterita Roch, there are therapeutic methods that impact on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The main thing is the recognition of the existence of an energetic bond that you can embrace as a gift, or you can close, and conclude the cycle.

1. Identify and accept that this bond is not yours

“These patterns are repeated from generation to generation. What you have to do is to become aware that this energetic load, this bond, is not yours, it belongs to your family and to generations ago”.

2. Research in your family

“Find out which members of your family have experienced the same event as you did. It is very likely that you will not be the first, nor the last, but it depends on you that that chain breaks”.

3. Break with patterns

“There are people in charge of working with transgenerational trees. They do some research of everything that has happened and, through acts of psychomagic, they help the person break these patterns so that they no longer happen to you, or to future generations”.

“There are people in charge of working with transgenerational trees. They do some research of everything that has happened and, through acts of psychomagic, they help the person break these patterns so that they no longer happen to you, or to future generations”.  

If you notice that you are in a pattern, whether you are imitating your parents, grandparents or great-grandparents, or repeating the destiny of a family member, inquire further, find out how to close that cycle or accept the virtues that you have inherited.   

“Transgenerational energy not only marks negative patterns, but also very positive patterns such as abundance or gifts that could be inherited to you. It is up to you to accept them with love, thank them, and use them for your highest good and that of others. For example, when I studied my transgenerational tree, I realized that my great-grandfather was a shaman and with much love, gratitude and humility, I accepted the gifts that were given to me in order to continue the work that he started”.  

“Energy and energy bonds are very important and can generate positive and negative ties in your life. It is up to you to break those patterns or accept the gifts to create the life you want”, concludes Panterita Roch.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version

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Luz Carmen Meraz Arteaga

Publicado por
Luz Carmen Meraz Arteaga

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