The rash in babies usually appears in the first weeks of life and disappears on its own. Photo: Shutterstock
The skin of our little ones is very delicate, so it requires a lot of care not to damage it. However, soaps, creams, and temperature changes (among other factors) cause irritation, which manifests itself with hives. We tell you why rashes appear in babies.
It is very common that we see red pimples on our child’s face or body; this rash usually appears in newborns. Most of these rashes go away without any treatment, as his skin adjusts to the outside world and reacts, explains the Mayo Clinic organization.
It is important to be aware of these rashes so that we do not worry and apply unnecessary treatments that may harm his skin.
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The most common rashes in babies are as follows, according to the National Library of Medicine:
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While most rashes go away after a few weeks and don’t require treatment if they persist, you should see your doctor to evaluate your little one, as these rashes may be due to atopic dermatitis.
It is the most common dermatological condition in babies; it is generated by having hyperreactive sensitive skin. It reacts exaggeratedly to changes in climate, types of fabric, foods such as cow’s milk, soaps, and detergents. Karin Carpizo Lugo, dermatologist and member of Top Doctors Mexico, explains that “atopic dermatitis is a hereditary chronic inflammatory condition that mom or dad suffers from”.
“One of the triggering factors is genetics. Maybe the parents only have allergic rhinitis now, but when you ask them, they tell you that they did have atopy; sometimes, both parents had it. This does not mean that if only one of both had it, it would be milder or stronger in the baby because they both had it. It’s not like that”, she said.
She explained that little ones with atopic dermatitis require a lot of skincare; they should avoid creams and soaps with fragrances, and the detergents to wash their clothes should be special for babies since others should irritate them.
In newborns, this condition is more visible on the face, but as they grow, it appears in the flex areas, that is, in the folds of the legs, arms, and neck. Foods such as chocolate, strawberries, gluten, and cow’s milk should be avoided since they can worsen the skin.
Dr. Rossana Llergo Valdez, president of the Mexican Foundation for Dermatology, advised parents on some care measures to prevent rashes:
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Do not forget to consult a dermatologist to take care of your baby’s skin and treat any condition in time.
Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver
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