One of the main fears of mothers of newborn babies is that their son or daughter will be a victim of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also known as crib death.
This disgrace happens without any apparent reason and causes the sudden death of babies under one year of age.
Although there is still no absolute consensus regarding its causes, multiple scientific investigations have pointed out factors that could be related.
A list of recommendations has been elaborated to prevent it based on the evidence provided by the cases studied for decades. Follow them to the letter.
Pediatrician expert Carmen García explains that SIDS “is one of the most known infant deaths and represents 35 to 55% of deaths in this age group. Death, as its name says, is sudden and without apparent cause”.
García points out that this syndrome occurs between two weeks and a year after the baby’s birth, but it is much more frequent in those under four months.
Over the years, various studies have been carried out to try to determine the causes of this syndrome; however, there are still no solid answers, only indicators, “The causes are still unknown, but it is very likely that it is due to a dysfunction of the nervous mechanisms of cardiorespiratory control.
Babies’ systems have not yet matured enough to solve, for example, suffocation or phlegm”, says García.
Among the most important findings about the possible risk factors that have been found around the world, according to the American SIDS Institute, are:
Exposure to nicotine, that the baby sleeps on his stomach, that older people share the bed with him and that the child has abnormalities in the brainstem that do not allow him to adequately deal with respiratory events.
There are some measures that can help you prevent this syndrome. Pediatric expert Carmen García offers you the most important recommendations to take care of your baby.
Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara
Spanish version: Here
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