Haven't you been able to sleep since your baby was born? These tips will help you. Photo: Shutterstock
It seems that sleepless nights are a “rite of passage” when we are new parents, especially the first months of our babies’ lives. It does not have to be this way. Here are 10 tips for your child to sleep peacefully… and you too!
Before starting with the tips, it is important that you are patient. Think that your baby was in a place where he felt calm, safe and could rest when he wanted.
Now he must get used to the fact that nights are for sleeping, that there are times to eat, and that he is no longer inside his mother’s belly. Everything is a process, but little by little, with the help of these tips, you will achieve your goal.
Liliana Amaro, infant sleep coach at Zzleep my baby, explained some tips for our babies to rest. “Remember that in the first few months babies sleep at least 16 to 18 hours. It is a lot, but it is recommended”, says the expert.
According to Amaro, it is very important to have a sleep routine since our children are very young. This way you can organize your day, but it also allows you to understand their sleeping patterns. “Having a routine is essential, since your children are kids up to when they are teenagers. It is essential that you understand that your newborn should sleep more, respect his naps”.
Babies are people just like us, but they can’t talk yet. Observe your child and identify what he wants to communicate to you through his eyes, the reactions he has to your words and with crying. Talk to your baby.
“Talk to him and explain what is going on around him. If you change his diaper, tell him what you’re doing. If you feed him, tell him what you offer him. Regarding sleep, explain to him that if he is cranky it is because he feels tired and has to sleep. Tell him that it is already night, point to the sky and explain that there is no sunlight, that it is time to sleep”, indicates the sleep coach.
Try to identify why your baby cries and the hues that he has in his cry. The cry of hunger, pain or sleep is not the same.
“Many dads can identify that babies cry in different ways. Sometimes moms don’t know it because they are very tired, but be observant and you’ll notice it. When you recognize the sleep cry, you have the signal that he is tired and it’s time to take him to his crib”.
Do not miss: How a baby should sleep, position and recommendations to keep it safe
The bath helps the baby settle down and enter a state of relaxation that leads to sleep.
There are moms who prefer to bathe their child in the morning because they have help and, it’s fine, as you like it, just try to integrate it before the nap so you can create a routine.
It is not recommended to add anything in the bath water, only if the pediatrician has prescribed a dermatological oil, warm water is sufficient. At night, the bath can help you to make him sleep.
As it happens to adults, excessive cold or heat interrupts the sleep, so do not cover your baby too much. Try that both blankets and your baby’s clothes are made of natural fibers such as cotton.
By the way, we invite you to take a look at the Baby Creysi clothes because they are comfortable, soft and made with hypoallergenic cotton. Ideal for your baby to sleep peacefully.
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Before the baby falls asleep, it is highly recommended that you spend a few minutes with your baby to make eye contact, coo and caress him. You can also read a story aloud.
It is highly recommended that the baby and also children spend time with their parents before going to sleep. For me the calmest activity is reading because it increases attachment, it is a soft activity, of low intensity, that can be carried out in bed.
Both the baby’s and mother’s diet are important. If the baby is breastfed, a balanced diet by the mother will help him rest. If he already eats solids, you have to watch that he does not have very caloric foods or that his meals are very heavy.
You have to check that the child does not eat foods with a lot of sugar or calories that he needs to burn before going to sleep. It is recommended to feed him at least half an hour before going to bed, but ideally the last meal must be two hours before going to sleep. Do not let him fall asleep with the bottle in his mouth because it causes cavities in his first teeth and there is a risk of choking.
You can read: How should a baby sleep? Positions and recommendations to keep him safe
If your baby yawns, nods or starts to put his head on your shoulder, these are signs that he is sleepy.
Heading is a drastic signal, also when he lies down. When you detect the signs, immediately put him in his bed to sleep. Sometimes we take long and that’s when they start waking up again. The ideal is to attend to the signals instantly.
There is a myth that says that you should get your baby used to sleeping anywhere: with the lights on, with noise, even in chairs, armchairs, etc. In addition to being dangerous, these myths do not take into account the child’s need to rest.
“I ask you, how do you like to sleep? Can you sleep with noise or light? If so, you are a strange case because most of us sleep in comfortable, cozy, dark and quiet places. That is also what is recommended for babies”.
Liliana Amaro’s last point is that you begin to encourage sleep habits in your children from the time they are newborns.
“Habits that are introduced from an early age are those that will last a lifetime. They are good practices that are passed on and will help them throughout their lives. A child who sleeps well will be an adult who will adapt to society more easily and will be happy”, concludes the specialist.
Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara
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