
10 Things a father should do with his daughter

Today, the little girl you have in your arms will grow up in less than you expect and become a woman. Take advantage of every opportunity to be with her: play, have fun, learn together… every moment is valuable! We leave you this list of 10 things that a father should do with his daughter, recommendations so that every moment becomes unforgettable.

Men do get involved in parenting

The view of fatherhood has changed. The figure of the scolding father of yesteryear, who used to complain about what his children did, the one who only contributed money to the house and who did not get involved, has been changing. “More and more men are interested in parenting development”, says psychologist Michael Lamb, author of The Father’s Role in Child Development.

A father plays a vital role in parenting his daughter. Photo: Shutterstock

Dad has an impact not only on the development of the girls’ personality but also on their self-confidence, as explained by the Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development.

It can even influence their love relationships. Women who have a good relationship with their fathers will look for their partners to look like them, as revealed by research carried out by the University of Durham. Lynda Boothroyd, a psychologist at that institution, points out that the quality of the daughter-father relationship affects who she finds attractive.

“Our brains don’t just generate prototypes of the ideal face from those we see around us; we generate them from people we’ve had an intensely positive relationship with”.

We recommend: A father who takes care of his baby does not help; he exercises his paternity

The relationship with dad can influence love relationships. Things a father should do with his daughter. Photo: Pixabay

We compiled some tips for you and ideas of things you should do with your daughter; with this, you will strengthen the relationship with your little girl and help her be a strong woman.

10 Things a father should do with his daughter

1. Quality time

Sometimes work, and obligations absorb you, don’t let that stop you from being with your daughter. Find space to do things together: go to the movies, the park, or watch her favorite show. Time flies by; that girl who today asks you for help to tie her shoelaces, in a few years, she will ask you for permission to go out with her boyfriend.

2. Listen to her and pay attention to what she tells you

Whether she tells you about something she saw or about her schoolmates, please pay attention to everything she says; this way, she will know that you care about her and trust you.

3. Encourage her to practice any sport

If she likes soccer, karate, boxing, or skateboarding, encourage her and tell her that she’s capable of anything she puts her mind to. It doesn’t matter if people say that these are boys’ things; support her if she likes this activity. That way, she will know from a young age that she is just as capable as boys, and she will not limit herself.

One of the 10 Things a father should do with his daughter: Encourage her to practice whatever activity she wants. Photo: Pixabay

4. Let her know how valuable she is

Don’t miss the opportunity to tell her that she is intelligent, talented, and pretty, that she is perfect just the way she is. This way, you feed her confidence in herself.

5. Get to know her

From knowing her favorite color, her favorite ice cream flavor, or her favorite subjects to asking her for her little friends’ names or remembering the name of her teachers. Those details will help you get to know her and get involved in her life.

6. Take her by the hand

Hold her hand; this gesture will make her feel protected and that she can count on you in any situation.


Do not waste moments to be with your daughter. Photo: Pixabay

7. Play together

Not only is it a way for your daughter to learn, but you build her trust in you and help you get to know her better. In addition, you create beautiful memories.

8. Respect her mom

Regardless of whether you are a couple, always show respect towards her mother. As we mentioned above, you are her first reference to a male figure, so she must see that you respect her mother.

9. Get her involved in repairs

Whether she’s helping you put together a piece of furniture, put up a shelf, or check out the car, get her involved in the things you do, even home repairs. Teach her how to do what you are doing; in this way, you provide her with skills for her adult life and give her some lessons of independence.


By teaching your child to make repairs, you help her become self-sufficient. Photo: Shutterstock

10. Let her make her decisions

With daily choices like what to wear, what movie to watch, or how to do her hair, you help her make her own decisions and give her a vote of confidence that what she thinks matters a lot. Trust what she chooses and avoid judging her; with this, you will make her a strong and determined woman.

Every moment you spend with your daughter will be a precious memory that you will treasure. Which of these things do you do with your daughter? Tell us on Facebook.

Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara

Spanish version: Here

Astrid Rivera Reynoso

Publicado por
Astrid Rivera Reynoso
Etiquetas: ParentingPaternity

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