Videos designed for our little ones. Photo: YouTube @ToyCantando
On YouTube there is very interesting content designed for our girls and boys. They go from fun songs to children’s stories or playful resources to reinforce what has been learned at school. You don’t have to ban them from watching videos! Rather, check if they are suitable for them and much better if they are also educational.
Here is a selection of 10 YouTube channels with free educational resources that your little ones will surely love.
A fun channel with catchy songs and very colorful videos. If you have a young child at home, he will be fascinated by Lola the Cow and other classics such as Josefina the Little Hen, The Colored Bird or Susanita has a Mouse. It also includes children’s stories such as The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood and Sleeping Beauty.
It also shares songs that your little ones will love, such as: I have a dairy cow, Old McDonald has a farm or Let’s play in the forest, but there is also a very educational list with The Monkey Sílabo to learn the main syllables in Spanish.
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If your little one is a little older, in this channel you will find many educational resources. Countries and capital cities of Latin America, states and capitals of Mexico, Roman numerals from one to a thousand, multiplication tables, addition, the alphabet, the history of the Independence of Mexico, among many others.
If you are looking for your baby to become familiar with a second language, this channel has many songs. It is especially educational for toddlers because they teach little words in English for objects, parts of the body, animals; little by little, your child will gradually learn that there is another way of calling things.
Luna is a super smart and super curious girl who wonders, just like your children, how everything works. Through her fun adventures, the children discover, as well as the protagonist, all the answers to her questions: Why do stars shine? Why does everything fall straight to the ground? Where are the Martians?
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In this channel you will find video stories that will help your children learn important human values. The Smug Rat, The Tortoise and the Hare, Peter and the Wolf, Goldilocks, The 7 Little Goats and The Ugly Duckling among many others are the stories found here. There are also some short stories in English, for those who want to inculcate a second language.
These two brothers teach children fun songs, cooking recipes, CRAFTS and surprising experiments. These videos belong to the television series Pumpkin Reports and are available in several languages, including Latin American Spanish.
Arts and crafts for children of all ages. It’s in English, but you won’t need a translation because it’s super simple and visual. This channel is from Jean Van´t Hul, a writer and mother, who also founded the blog On both platforms, she provides guides and tutorials for children and adults to explore their artistic side.
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Another channel based on the Pumpkin Reports cartoon series, but now focused on children’s road safety. It teaches road safety when getting off a bus, what traffic officers do, what a seat belt is for, etc.
An educational channel that will help you reinforce the lessons your children learn at school. Subtraction, addition, shapes, prime factorization of numbers… The concepts are very simple and the videos are fun and attractive. We are grateful!
Translated by: Ligia M. Oliver Manrique de Lara
Spanish version: Here
More notes: Introduce your children to some sport The perfect gift to welcome the baby A look at inclusion through short films
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